Courses are the core of Brilliant's content. Each course contains a sequence of lessons arranged by conceptual topics. Currently at 80+ courses, Brilliant's content catalog continues to expand and the team continues to push the envelope to deliver more interactive and engaging content to our users.
A Brilliant lesson is an opportunity for a student to own a discovery, no matter how small.
Like a captivating puzzle, what captures the learner's attention is the structure of the lesson. It unfolds in layers as they are invited to manipulate its contents. As they go deeper, the underlying logic of its structure becomes clearer. Mistakes aren't dead-ends — they're opportunities. Each new challenge feels significant, but the insight required to overcome it feels just within reach. Each small discovery compels the learner to peel open the next layer to find the next challenge.
The experience of a Brilliant lesson is different for each lesson, but we can call out a few common qualities:
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