Table of Contents

Preview a course or lesson

<aside> ‼️ NOTE: In order to preview a course or lesson, you MUST have a student account.


  1. Login to your Educator account at

  2. Go on the Courses tab. Find a course that you are interested in previewing and click into it.

  3. You can preview the full course, or an individual lesson within the course by clicking the ‘Preview’ button.

    Preview 2.0.png

  4. ‘Preview’ will send you to to preview the content. If you have not yet invited yourself to join as a student, you need to do so first. If you already have a student account set up, click ‘Go to lesson’.

    Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 2.54.07 PM.png

  5. Once on, you need to login in order to see the exact lesson or course (if you’re not seeing it, try logging in and clicking the ‘Preview’ button again).

Share a course or lesson with students using a link

<aside> ‼️ NOTE: In order for students to access a course or lesson, they MUST have a student account. Only students with student accounts can access Brilliant’s content.


  1. Login to your Educator account at

  2. Go on the Courses tab. Find a course that you are interested in previewing and click into it.

  3. You can share the full course, or an individual lesson within the course, by clicking the ‘Copy’ button. This will copy the link to the specific piece of content.

    Copy 2.0.png

  4. Share this link with students by posting the link to your LMS (e.g. Google Classroom, Canvas, etc).

  5. Instruct students to login to, then click the content link.