Table of Contents
Educators can share Brilliant chapters or individual lessons via Google Classroom! This is helpful if you find an individual chapter or lesson that is relevant, but do not wish to assign the entire course to students.
Login to your Educator account at
Click on the Courses tab
Scroll down and find a course you are interested in assigning parts of to students. Click on the course.
Click on the Google Classroom icon for the course, or scroll until you find an individual lesson you’d like to share instead.
If you’re not already, login to your Google account associated with your school.
Choose which classes you would like to assign the content to, and what form the post will take (e.g. assignment, material etc). Click "GO".
You can decide which students will see the post, and if the assignment is for points. Once you have changed settings to your satisfaction, click the blue button on the top right corner ("Post" or "Assign").